


no te respondí cómo sueño mi casa. este hombre lo explica mejor que yo. su voz, áspera y ronca, le da el peso justo a cada palabra y hace que no suene naif algo que no lo es pero que a veces suena como si.

House Where Nobody Lives*

(Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennan)

There's a house on my block
That's abandoned and cold
Folks moved out of it a
Long time ago
And they took all their things
And they never came back
Looks like it's haunted
With the windows all cracked
And everyone call it
The house, the house where
Nobody lives

Once it held laughter
Once it held dreams
Did they throw it away
Did they know what it means
Did someone's heart break
Or did someone do somebody wrong?

Well the paint was all cracked
It was peeled off of the wood
Papers were stacked on the porch
Where I stood
And the weeds had grown up
Just as high as the door
There were birds in the chimney
And an old chest of drawers
Looks like no one will ever
Come back to the
House were nobody lives

Once it held laughter
Once it held dreams
Did they throw it away
Did they know what it means
Did someone's heart break
Or did someone do someone wrong?
So if you find someone
Someone to have, someone to hold
Don't trade it for silver
Don't trade it for gold
I have all of life's treasures
And they are fine and they are good
They remind me that houses
Are just made of wood
What makes a house grand
Ain't the roof or the doors
If there's love in a house
It's a palace for sure
Without love...
It ain't nothin but a house
A house where nobody lives
Without love it ain't nothin
But a house, a house where
Nobody lives.

*bonus track: Te recomiendo Hold On - Take It With Me y además la alternativa para los fiacas (o sin banda ancha/tiempo) de escuchar "House Were Nobody Lives" sin bajarla.
Pero si la bajás ya te queda como regalo, o después la borrás si no te gusta, que se yo...vos fijate :)
Si alguna vez y por alguna extraña (muy extraña) razón tuviera que elegir una canción con la cual llorar, Take With Me sería sin dudas una de las más firmes candidatas. esos primeros acordes del piano, la voz de Tom, la letra, la melodía en general...es perfecta.

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07.2005   08.2005   09.2005   10.2005   11.2005  


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